Loads exerted by irish potatoes in shallow bulk storage structures 浅桶式散装储藏结构中爱尔兰马铃薯施加的载荷
Methods of test for cereals and pulses - measurement of temperature of grain during bulk storage 谷物和豆类试验方法.第26部分:散装谷物储藏温度测量
Guide for the procurement of power station equipment - boiler auxiliaries - coal handling and bulk storage plant 发电站设备的购置指南.锅炉附属设备.煤的搬运和散货堆放厂
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - part 4 - 5 : boiler auxiliaries - coal handling and bulk storage plant 电站设备的采购指南.第4 - 5部分:锅炉辅助设备.煤料搬运和散料存放场
Guide for procurement of power station equipment - part 4 - 5 : boiler auxiliaries ; coal handling and bulk storage plant ; german version en 45510 - 4 - 5 : 2002 电厂设备采购指南.第4 - 5部分:锅炉辅助设备.煤搬运和
Monitoring , inspecting and approving the construction and operations of both new and existing lpg installations , bulk storage at lpg terminals and the approval of lpg road tankers 监察、检查及批核新设立和现有的石油气装置和石油气储存库等的建造及运作、同时亦负责批核运载石油气的车辆。
Abstract : “ four bulks ” ( bulk loading , bulk transportation , bulk storage and bulk unloading ) automation was discussed , and application of plc technique to operating in silo at dock was introduced . major technical characteristics and widespread application was also introduced in this paper 文摘:本文简要论述了粮食“四散”对自动化提出的要求,介绍了可编程控制器( plc )技术在码头粮食立筒库生产作业中的应用及其主要技术特点和广泛性。
Abstract : the current technical condition and grain production and distribution as well as the characteristic of circulation of area grain storage in yunnan province has been analyzed , at the same time , the technical measurement for improving the level of grain storage and transport has been discussed . however , the main line of grain circulation taking bulk storage and bulk transport as the primary form will be set up , and the modern grain storage equipment will be fitted in newly build and improved large - scale granary , simultaneously , the supervisory and examination mechanism of province and area will be strengthened 文摘:分析了云南省区粮食储藏技术现状及粮食产销和流通特点,论述了提高粮食储运水平的技术措施,即建立以散储散运为主要形式的粮食流通主干线;在新建和改造的大型粮库配备先进的储粮设施;健全省区内的粮食监督检验机制等。